Sunday 8 June 2014

Camp America

So my next ‘little’ adventure is here…

In less than 12 hours’ time I will be checking in at Heathrow for my flight to America. I am flying to New York JFK airport and then after a 5 hour wait, I will be flying to Minneapolis airport in Minnesota. Hopefully I will arrive at camp before the day has ended.

I applied for Camp America way back in September and October, before having my interview with a regional interviewer up in Durham. After sorting out all of my paperwork and finalising my application, I was ready to be placed. I also took part in Camp America’s International Youth Leadership Award (IYLA) which is for girls aged 18 and 19 who are interested in working at a Girl Scout camp. We had our own recruitment fair in January in which camp directors are flown over from America and can hire staff on the spot. This is where I got hired by a Girl Scout camp in Wisconsin.

So I will arrive at camp tomorrow for training, which lasts for about one and a half weeks. Then we will get our first group of girls. The programs tend to be a week long, with a few being 2 weeks. Camp lasts until the 17th of August and then I’ll be off travelling somewhere until about the 10th September.

I am a General Counsellor which means that I will look after the campers on a day to day basis, taking them to their activities and making sure they have a good time.

I am very excited and cannot wait to get started!

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