Wednesday 31 July 2013

Half Way There


I am now half way through my time here in Tanzania and I am absolutely loving it. With a chance to have internet connection for the first time since being here, I've written the shortest message possible to let you know how I'm getting on. Having been in Tanzania for 5 weeks (with the 1st week consisting of training) we have now come to the Mid-Term Review, in which we came away from our project sites for a few days to reflect on phase 1 and plan some of phase 2.

We (Charlie 1) have been on our project site in Chipanga, which is in the region of Dodoma, for 4 weeks and we will return for a further 4 weeks. Chipanga has a desert-like landscape. It is hot during the day, but the jumpers come out first thing in the morning and last thing at night, although we're normally tucked up in our sleeping bags by 9pm at the latest.

Our Primary Project consists of building latrines at Chipanga Secondary School. So far, we have dig the holes for the latrines, with the help of a few community members. When we return to Chipanga we will help to make the bricks and then begin to build upwards. 

As well as the construction, we have carried out some SWASH (School, Water And Sanitation Hygiene) lessons in which we raised awareness of the importance of hand hygiene and how good hand hygiene enables diseases to be prevented. The children have been very receptive and have become very comfortable around us, particularly when they come and take over our camp.

This was a regular occurrence at our camp and you took your camera out at your own risk

Jeff (in the skeleton top) and Muhammad (leaning over Jeff's shoulders) were regulars in the camp

We have been camping in the village and sleeping on the floor in tents. The majority of our day is therefore spent outside. I have proudly perfected the art of showering with just 3 jugs in our make shift shower. We have a varied diet of rice, pasta and tomato sauce, with the occasional chicken or goat added in to mix it up. We obviously also have a long drop, but fortunately we didn't have to dig it ourselves. 
Our camp, with the shower construction taking place. There is also our usual audience of kids, behind the trees.
A villager using a Tippy Tappy

Whilst settling into camp, we helped the community dig some trenches as some water pipes are being put in as part of another project.
 We have got to know the community through our Action Research, which consisted of doing questionnaires with villagers, asking them about their access and use of water and sanitation. We have built Tippy Tappy's, which is a hand washing facility made out of sticks and an oil container, in the community and the schools. This also helps to raise awareness around hand hygiene and preventing diseases. A couple of weeks ago, we held a Sports' Day which was really good fun and all the children loved it.

A sprint race during our Sports Day
I'm also really excited for our Secondary Project which we will be starting when we return to Chipanga. We have decided, as a team, to paint an empty classroom in the Secondary School for use as an educational room. We will paint inspirational quotes and important information, such as the process of washing your hands, on the wall, as well as providing some books for some independent learning.

So that's what I've been up to with Charlie 1 in Chipanga in a 'brief' summary. There's so much more to share and it's been such an amazing experience so far, even when the black scorpions turn up on our camp! 

Hope everyone is well and is having a great summer! I definitely am...

Asante, bye!

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